This page contains information to help with understanding various aspects of OPA case files.
The greater weight of the evidence indicates that a violation of SPD policy occurred. Discipline may be imposed upon the named employee. Discipline is dependent upon the type of allegation and severity of the policy violation.
Unfounded: The evidence indicates the alleged policy violation did not occur as reported or did not occur at all.
Lawful and Proper: The evidence indicates the alleged conduct did occur but was justified and consistent with policy.
Inconclusive: The evidence neither supports nor refutes the allegation of misconduct.
Training Referral: There was a potential, but not willful, violation of policy that does not amount to serious misconduct. The employee's chain of command will provide appropriate training and counseling.
Management Action: The evidence indicates the employee may have acted contrary to policy, but due to a potential deficiency in policy or training, OPA issues SPD a policy recommendation to clarify or revise the policy or training.